Rails Blueprint Features
Rails Blueprint Basic
Must-have features for every Ruby on Rails application.
- Latest Ruby on Rails (7.1)
- Latest Ruby (3.3.0)
- Hotwire stack (Turbo, Stimulus)
- Action Cable and Stimulus Reflex for even more reactivity
- Bootstrap 5.3.2
- Slim for compact views
- Awesome livereload
- Users and roles.
- Friendly ids for blog posts
- Basic blog and static pages editor
- Authorization using devise
- Email templates and settings stored in database
- Pundit for permissions management
- Service objects on steroids
- Basic admin panel. Highly responsive and easy to use.
- Design system pages demostrating various Bootstrap components, color system, icon fonts, text editors etc.
- good_job for background job processing
- Blazing fast deployment using Mina
- Rspec tests for everything (including FactoryBot, Simplecov, DatabaseCleaner setup)
- Rubocop and security checks in place
- Github actions configured
- Basic observability setup (NewRelic & Rollbar)
- Translation ready
Rails Blueprint Donation
Donation package is the same as Basic with permission to remove "Made with Rails Blueprint". Given it is impossible to prevent you from doing this in Basic package we consider this option as a donation for product development. Keeping in place "Made with Rails Blueprint" link is another way yo support the development. You can do both if you like.
- Everything in Basic package
- Permission to remove credit line from page footer.
Rails Blueprint Plus
- Everything in Basic package
- Dark theme
- Impersonate users
- ReCaptcha
- Avatars
- Social logins
- Bootstrap customization tool
- Pre-configured robots.txt for stage and prod environment
- Permission to remove credit line from page footer.
Rails Blueprint Pro
- Everything in Plus package
- Sitemap Generator
- Stripe integration
- Paypal integration
- 2FA
- A/B tests
- Feature flags
- User invitations
Rails Blueprint SaaS
- Everything in Pro package
- PassKeys
- Multitenancy
- Per-tenant translations customization
- Strada apps templates